Product List

Machine de Classification de Semence

Machine de Classification de Semence

  • A modern machine-held classification system embracing all fields of knowledge, useful as an aid to subject searching on the Internet or on any large information system covering the whole span of knowledge.
  • Research on learning first-order classification rules, first-order concept descriptions, genetic algorithms, neural networks, computational learning theory.
  • A library of C code useful for writing statistical text analysis, language modeling, and information retrieval programs. The current distribution includes the library, as well as front-ends for document classification (rainbow), document retrieval (arrow) and document clustering (crossbow). [LGPL]
  • Provides GMDH-based machine learning technology for classification, continuous value prediction and time series forecasting. The software uses multi-core processors and HPC Linux clusters. [Commercial]
  • Online magazine seeds and vegetable seeds, edited by GNIS on the subject of seeds, their role in everyday life and their image among the general public.
  • School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin. Automated information extraction using convergent boundary classification, machine learning for automatic genre classification, active learning for information extraction.
  • Brings together all industry players. News, training and documentation. The seed market in France.
  • This book is based on the EC (ESPRIT) project StatLog which compare and evaluated a range of classification techniques, with an assessment of their merits, disadvantages and range of application. This integrated volume provides a concise introduction to each method, and reviews comparative trials in large-scale commercial and industrial problems. It makes accessible to a wide range of workers the complex issue of classification as approached through machine learning, statistics and neural networks, encouraging a cross-fertilization between these disciplines.
  • By Thorsten Joachims - describes an SVM approach to text classification.
  • An unmoderated mailing list for recursive partitioning based supervised learning methods, a.k.a. classification and regression trees.
  • Support vector machines, machine learning and natural language, statistical learning theory, text classification.
  • A windows-based program that classifies text based on trained material. Designed for automated essay scoring, BETSY can be applied to any text classification task. [GPL]
  • Offers WEKA, an open-source (GPL) machine learning and data mining toolkit in Java with classification, regression, clustering, and association rules. Command-line and GUI interfaces.
  • Programmatically isolate similarities between scattered classes of genes. Expression driven. Utilizes a voting method along with a k-Nearest-Neighbors classification. Very rich graphical interface. Samples of an unknown class are possible given enough data. Fully functional demo. [Commercial]
  • An integrated collection of Java code useful for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text. [GPL]
  • Distributor of flower seeds, vegetable seeds, bulbs and flower mixtures.
  • This package forms a complete gradient descent machine learning library. Modules support vector machines in classification and regression, ensemble models such as bagging or adaboost, non-parametric models such as K-nearest neighbors, Parzen regression, and Parzen density estimation. Includes speech recognition tools. Written in C++ [BSD]
  • An integrated tool implementing support vector classification, regression, and distribution estimation. C++ and Java sources available. [Free]
  • Scalable nonparametric classification with Polynomial MPMC Cascades for use in Matlab. [GPL]
  • A machine learning library for classification, regression, ranking and reinforcement learning. It implements several well-known algorithms and is specially designed for large-scale applications. [GPL]
  • Machine de Sélection de Graine

    Trieuse par Vibration Fixe

    Machine de Classification de Semence